Saturday, January 20, 2007

Weird Dream

I had a dream early this morning, in which I was running late to my college graduation (but the place looked like my high school). Later in that same dream, I had to keep hitting a a guy intent on murdering me in the head with a rock, to keep him unconscious until the police arrived. Hm.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

A New Year

Well, it has been a while since my last post, and lots has happened which . . . is probably not all that interesting. Thus, I will simply note that I am going to be very busy this semester with classes, but since they are all interesting it will be a lot easier to keep up with the required work.

I find myself with little to say at this point, but I hope this post will at least get me back into the habit of posting. When I do find something to say, I will have already broken the "it's a new year" ice. Anyway, until then, gentle readers.....adieu.