Sunday, July 22, 2012

What's New?

So I have been a bit silent here--and that's not unusual.  I get really busy, and between my other blogs it is sometimes hard to find time to gather my thoughts enough to write something here.  Besides, my life isn't exactly a er...gripping read. Most of my time these days is spent telling my daughter "stop it" and "no" and "don't stand on that--you'll break your neck." 

In the time I've been gone, at least two big things have happened.  I turned thirty and my daughter turned one!  I took stock of my status in life at thirty and for the most part, things are pretty nice: loving husband, adorable daughter, no debt, stable job with benefits, actively pursuing another career path that promises to be intellectually stimulating, and I'm still writing my silly stories and planning to write them in a more serious manner at some point.  There are, however, a few stormclouds that cannot be ignored--father with cancer, family and many close friends who live very far away, and that perpetual feeling that there just isn't enough time in the day, and possibly not enough time in a life. 

On the whole, I know I am a very lucky individual.  I try to focus on that instead of on the things that aren't working out to make a perfect life for me--compared to the majority of people, anything I'm suffering is laughably minor.  If I can't do anything about the stormclouds, then I just hope that soon, the weather in that area of my life will change for the better.  You don't cancel the picnic when there's only a ten percent chance of rain.