Tuesday, August 23, 2005

The school is stirring....

I went to the office today because I needed to be advised, and I was happy to see lots of people running around the department. Some of the faces were unfamiliar, but it is still nice to know that very soon I will be getting back into action. I also spent some time organizing my office, like getting rid of old papers and notes and filing away important stuff. I'll get to see everyone on Friday at the department meeting. This semester I will be a TA for Reasoning and Critical Thinking. I'm happy about it because it is a course I haven't assisted for yet, so it will be good course experience. On the other hand, I will have discussion groups again, which can be both good and bad. Discussion groups are good for the students, and good for me, because it gives me some teaching experience and more one-to-one interaction with the students. It's bad because it takes a bit more preparation, and this semester I have set some goals for myself concerning my coursework and language studies. I really want to be more disciplined this semester, and hope to cultivate some good work habits. We'll see how well all that works out.

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