Sunday, September 17, 2006

Who's She-Ra?

So my neighbor friend Lisa and I went to the new Halloween store by the Office Depot yesterday, because we love Halloween, and because Lisa was still working on her costume. She is going to be She-Ra. When we were at the cash register with a sword and blonde wig, this was the dialogue:

Lisa: If I worked here, I would ask everybody "What are you going to be?"
Cashier guy: So who are you going to be?
Lisa: I'm going to be She-Ra.
Cashier guy: Who's She-Ra?
{a stunned silence ensues for approximately ten seconds}
Lisa: {turns to Rachel} This guy just almost got himself punched!
Rachel: {laughing} He probably isn't old enough. {To cashier} How old are you, boy?
Cashier guy: {obviously surprised age is an issue, presumably because Lisa and Rachel are both young-looking and hot} Why? How old are you?
Lisa: Twenty-six!
Rachel: {still laughing} Twenty-four!
Cashier guy: Oh, I'm nineteen.
Lisa: {scornfully} Nineteen! Geez.
Cashier guy: So, She-Ra...?
Lisa: You know He-Man?
Rachel: She was his sister.
Lisa: {sounding indignant} She led a rebellion.

After this it gets pretty boring, but the guy claimed he would look it up on Wikipedia. Anyway, it was a humorous exchange, even though it makes one feel a bit old. Any of you people not know She-Ra? I suggest you visit the link, before you get punched.

Saturday, September 16, 2006

Guitar Goddess....

Lately I have been feeling the need to play a musical instrument, and in fact, to learn a new musical instrument. That instrument is an electric guitar. I guess I need to rock out? I don't know. All I know is that I keep thinking about purchasing an electric guitar, but I won't let myself right now. For one thing, Michael and I are saving for a Wii (the new Nintendo console, coming out in November). Between that and Christmas, I think to purchase something like a guitar (even the fairly cheap starter-kit one I would want) right now would be ill-advised. Plus, as Michael correctly pointed out, between the Sims 2 Pets expansion pack coming out in October, the Wii, and of course, ever-looming schoolwork, I probably won't have time to learn to play guitar. He thinks I wouldn't play it as much as I think I would, and this time I'll have to concede that he's probably right. But I still want to PLAY!!! Do you people think I could rock out? Do you think I could learn to play, given my personality and responsibilities? If I still want one come spring, I'll probably buy one. Any advice on what to look for in an electric guitar? Anything?

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Flippin' out

Since I rarely ever put on makeup and fix my hair, I thought I should take some pictures to commemorate such a rare event. Today I was successful in getting my hair to flip up at the ends!! I was so surprised that it actually worked, and that it actually STAYED that way all day! Anyway, here they are. Hopefully these show off the new highlights better too.

Friday, September 08, 2006


Not the band, but rather, children. I was talking about children with one of my colleagues the other day, and though I have no plans to have children right now, I often think about what my children might look like or be like. Michael and I plan to have at least one child, barring any problems with our reproductive systems by the time we get around to making 'em. I usually picture us with a little boy....I don't know why. Anyway, in the course of our tv watching, Michael and I joke a lot about how such-and-such kid actor is probably what our kids will look like, etc., and I thought I'd show two of the top contenders for what our children will probably look like (males). One is a young actor from the movie Nanny McPhee. He is small and short, with glasses, and red hair. He looks remarkably like Michael did when he was a little boy, and is as cute as a button. The other picture is of an actor named Martin Starr, and when he took this picture, he played the character of Bill Haverchuck from Freaks and Geeks, a short-lived but EXCELLENT show. He's tall and lanky and with glasses (our child is almost guaranteed to have eye problems) but his hair is brown. Change the eye color, and you have a combination of Michael and myself, as goofy as he may look. He was my favorite character from that show anyway. Anywho, if nothing else, this might make people laugh, or think about what their future children may look like (though if you already have children, then I guess this post might be boring, sorry). Which child do you think looks more like a cross between Michael and myself?