Friday, November 03, 2006

Charlotte Bronte

I can't figure out how to do the 'e' so that her name is spelled correctly. In any case, I adore Charlotte Bronte. I think I could be happy reading and re-reading her books all my life. If I had to go live on a desert island and could only bring one book, I would bring either Jane Eyre or Villette. I adore Jane Austen as well, but there is a strange quality about Charlotte Bronte's writing that makes it more passionate and internal, more .... exciting somehow. You feel like you really are in the head of the person, especially in Villete. I was recently moved to re-read Jane Eyre (I think it was my third or fourth time) and I found myself just.... joyous to read it. Have you ever loved any book so much that you felt compelled to read it often, and when you did you reacted to everything occurring? If not, you have truly missed out on a singular, perplexing, and intriguing experience. If I have a soul, it positively SINGS when I read Jane Eyre and Villete. I realize this probably sounds incredibly nerdy and dorky and maybe even disturbing, but some of you will know what I mean. If you do know what I mean, and feel like commenting, what books have done that for you? It would be interesting to see what sorts of books have such an effect on other people.

Thursday, November 02, 2006


So I'm very worried about my favorite show, Veronica Mars. It has never been the strongest show, ratings-wise. It is on the new network, The CW. The show is actually very good, and everyone that has watched it after I gave my recommendation has said, "This is actually much better than I thought it would be," and they continue to watch it! It comes on Tuesdays at 9:00 P.M. Eastern. I'm becoming increasingly worried because although Fox was showing House, M.D. (another show I watch) at 8:00 P.M. at the beginning of the season, after the World Series ended, they switched it to 9:00 P.M.. Which SUCKS. My poor fledgling show may not have a chance!! Do you know what the highest-rated show for that time-slot is right now?? DANCING WITH THE STARS!! What a STUPID STUPID situation. Veronica Mars is SO much better, and hardly anyone even knows it exists. I have a really bad feeling that it will be cancelled, and that will be so awful. It's my FAVORITE show. The characters are engaging and complex, and the writing is good!!! If you don't believe me, just check out an episode or two and you'll see!