Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Gym Experience #3

Weight machines and being height-challenged just don't go together. I am convinced that workout machines are designed to make the people that actually need them feel ridiculous. Why does getting in shape require winding your body around bars and padded parts, resulting in lying prone in a position that is otherwise considered strange or indecent? WHY?

Monday, September 10, 2007

Gym Experience #2

Jorge did not show up. My new life as a gym-going person begins somewhat inauspiciously.

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Gym Experience #1, kinda.

Technically, I have been to the Leach Center gym at least once before, so I guess I should instead claim that this is my second gym experience, but whatever. Since I have so much trouble working out late in the afternoon, I decided to start working out in the mornings at Leach Center. I'm still a little freaked out about taking most of my showers there, but I hope the benefits will outweigh the inconveniences. I thought I would try to be smart, and go today (Sunday) so I could see the lay of the land, and figure out what machines I would use, etc.. This did not work out as planned. I've never used weight machines before. Ever. As a result, I have no idea what these things do, the best combination in which I should use them, or how to adjust them for my height and ability. I just wandered around the weight machine area, looking lost and terrified. I finally choked back my pride and waddled up to the Fitness Counter (geez) and explained my predicament, being very honest. And that is why I now have an appointment tomorrow morning with someone named Jorge, who will talk with me and prescribe a workout program based upon my fitness goals, as well as show me which machines to use and how to use them. I know I should be relieved, but right now I'm still pretty scared. I'm sure I will have more to say about this particular experience later.