Wednesday, May 11, 2005

The feeling of accomplishment

Well, I went to school today to do some research (I hope to update my philosophy blog concerning this research), and I feel like I really did accomplish something. I looked up articles, then printed out as many as I could access. I also checked a book out of the little philosophy library to read. Hopefully I will actually read all this information, so that this isn't just a way to pass the time. I always feel really good on the days I go to school. I think I must be very reliant on habit. Or maybe I'm just weird. I'm beginning to develop a summer weekday routine, which seems to go like this:
1. Receive wake-up call from Michael at 8:00 A.M.
2. Actually get out of bed at 8:20 A.M. to make coffee, eat cereal for breakfast and read comics online
3. Do light housework (clean kitchen, pick up wayward clutter) around 9:30 A.M.
4. Work out on treadmill around 10 A.M.
5. Shower around 11 A.M.
6. Specific chores/errand-running, etc., or just plain laziness and sloth

I AM actually getting some things done. For instance, I have worked on my website, put up some shelves after staining them, and reorganized the kitchen and office. Plus, I'm surprising myself with the whole exercising thing. Usually I stop this nonsense after about 3 days, but I've been pretty consistent for about a week and a half. There are, however, things I should be doing that I'm not as consistent about, like my Latin (only doing a chapter a week instead of the planned two thus far), and Greek (haven't translated a word). Ugh.

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