Monday, May 16, 2005


Last night (rather, very early this morning) was VERY strange. Around two-ish, my sleep was disturbed by the sound of Michael walking around the bedroom saying, "Did you hear that? There! Do you hear that?!" I immediately thought we had some intruders in the house and wondered why he wasn't on a phone, but Michael went to the window and said, "THERE! There's something on the roof! Look!" and I groggily got up and peered blindly out the window, then remembered to get my glasses. Just as I was looking out of the window again, Michael turned on the light and pointed to the roof, saying, "Look! It's a raccoon!" and I finally saw it. Michael beat on the window shouting "GO AWAY," etc., and I wondered how he had heard it in the first place. After he scared it away, he said the sound of scratching on the roof woke him up, and he couldn't get back to sleep. I have NO IDEA how he heard this, when he seems to sleep through TONS of other things. Especially since the very loud dehumidifier was on when I was brought into the situation. Anyway, it wasn't a nice way to wake up. Stupid raccoon.

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