Thursday, August 25, 2005

Wedding Invitations...AAAHHHH!!!!!!!!

Lately, my future mother-in-law, Karen, and I have been trying to do some major planning for the wedding. One of the things that will be a bit tricky concerns the invitations. Michael's parents are hosting a reception for us a few months after the wedding in Michigan, for their family and friends who were not able to attend the actual wedding. We are puzzling over how to handle the reception response cards and the wording of the invitations, etc. I've been playing with the settings on invitation sites, and it is surprising how tricky it can be. For instance, one would think that if you just picked the most inexpensive and simple invitation, you will automatically get the best deal. That isn't always the case, depending upon what other things you'll need with the invitation. In my case, I will probably need a response card and a reception enclosure card along with the invitation, and that is where a lot of the companies seem to trick you. I saw an invitation that I really liked, but thought it was a bit expensive. It turns out that the invitation itself may be more than other invitations, but the response cards and enclosures cost less than many other invitation enclosures, bringing down the price considerably. So I'll have to be very careful to make sure I'm getting what I want for the best price. SIGH.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have the daunting task of planning my daughter’s wedding coming up in just a few months. This is my only daughter so it’s my first wedding to plan since my own 25 years ago. My how the times have changed! Weddings have gotten so elaborate and expensive, from the wedding announcements, all the way to the reception which must have at least a DJ if not a live band! I’m just searching around to see what other’s experiences have been. My keyword research brought me to Wedding Invitations...AAAHHHH!!!!!!!!. I can appreciate your thoughts and comments. Every bit I read helps me feel a bit more educated and prepared.