Thursday, September 08, 2005

Now I just SOUND sick

Well, I'm really not still sick, but I still sound sick. My voice has gone through several phases: there was the Demi Moore phase, which turned into a Kathleen Turner phase, and for several days now it has been the Stevie Nicks phase. I've been singing Fleetwood Mack songs whenever I'm by myself, because my singing voice is so AWESOME right now. But seriously, I'm starting to wonder if this is permanent, because I feel pretty good, yet my voice isn't better. I like Stevie Nicks and all, but I miss my own voice.

I have been too depressed to post much lately. The Hurricane Katrina disaster just...horrified me. I can't say much more than that, because I just get too angry and sad.

Michael and I are addicted to Lost. It's really sad. We, too, have fallen victim to the "What the hell's in the hatch?!" fever. We watch entirely too much TV. Especially for graduate students. By the way, Michael deserves some major congratulations, because he passed his prelim! He really worked hard, and was rewarded for it. I don't take my prelim until next semester, and I'm pretty much terrified. Well, I had better stop posting and do some reading, so that I can continue to fool these people into thinking that I actually belong in grad school.

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