Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Well, it has been a while since my last post, so I thought I would take a break from the dizzying whirlwind that is school, and post something. I've been BUSY. Lots of reading and writing and a little bit of grading. I'm trying to be a better student this semester, and thus far it has worked. I have been a lot better with keeping up with the readings, but I don't know how I'm doing grade-wise because I have only recently had to turn anything in. I do know that I am contributing more in class, so that's a marked improvement from last year. Michael and I have begun our pre-marital counseling (as required by Episcopal church, or at least by my uncle, the priest), and that is going well enough. I have so much to do concerning the wedding, but I keep putting it on the back-burner, at least until around December. Anyway, since I really don't have much to report, and I feel guilty because I'm not doing something school related, I am going to shut up now.

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