Thursday, December 15, 2005

The semester is over...and I'm sick.

I'm SICK. Today was the last day that I had anything left to turn in or do for the semester, and now I'm sick. I woke up with a sore throat, and now the whole head cold thing is starting to happen. It feels more like sinus problems than a normal cold. It just sucks. I've been drinking lots of my beloved orange juice, in addition to various warm beverages to try and relieve my sore throat and stave off this potentially monstrous respiratory illness. I have to be better by the time we leave for Texas, because my mom and grandma both smoke and that will just cause further problems. Well, I think I'm going to go to bed to try and get some rest. More news will be reported when more news occurs.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The end is NEAR....

The end of the semester is near. I'm very relieved. This has been a very stressful week. At this point in time, I only have to proofread my very terrible paper for my Rawls course, and grade five papers. Then I'll be finished for the semester. I worked pretty hard this semester, and I think I will be rewarded with better grades, which is what I was going for. Everyone keeps saying grades don't matter, but those people are the ones making the really good grades. I think they matter in that they give you more confidence and thus make you more likely to participate more in class discussion. I also think they have an effect on faculty perceptions of your abilities. Thus, better grades makes me feel a lot better. Anyway, this is a very boring post, so I'm going to shut up. OH, something kinda depressing before I shut up: I took a quiz that both Michael and my friend Crystal also took, that asked, "What Age do you Act?" Michael and Crystal were both told they acted their exact and respective ages. I was told I acted 29 years old. TWENTY-NINE. That's six years older than I am, or I guess, closer to five and a half. Ye gads. Anyway, I don't know why it depresses me that it told me what I already know: I'm pretty much a stick in the mud, the librarian-like moralizing creature amongst my peers. Oh well.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Okie Dokie

Well, after a long time of no posting, I should have a lot of news, right? Well, maybe not. My life can be dreadfully dull. Michael's parents are staying with us right now, and will be until around the 19th of December. Michael and I will be going to Texas for Christmas, which will be very nice. It may also be a bit hectic, since I have to accomplish a lot of wedding planning/securing of things while I am there. I have thus far purchased two gifts, and two gifts only. I need to finish my Christmas shopping very soon. is going well enough, and is almost over (one more week before finals begin). I need to get cracking on a paper I have due next Wednesday (the plan is to write three pages a day from now until Tuesday). I may have to go to school over this weekend in order to concentrate on it, because there are a lot of distractions here at the house.

I watched the new Pride and Prejudice movie over the Thanksgiving break...twice. Yeah, I'm a sucker for such things. I am half in love with Mr. Darcy as portrayed by Matthew Macfadyen. A lot of people complain that he makes Mr. Darcy seem shy, rather than proud, but I really don't think that is the case. There were too many scenes where he really seemed very condescending. What IS the case is that his delivery of certain lines was AWESOME. I was able to see why Lizzie would fall in love with someone that first appeared so very rude. Don't get me wrong: Colin Firth was an almost perfect Mr. Darcy, but he had a lot more time to convince us that Lizzie could fall in love with someone that seemed so haughty before (it was a...I think 6 hour long miniseries, right??). Matthew Macfadyen only had 2 hours, so some of Mr. Darcy's traits had to be softened a bit, or we wouldn't have been convinced. Overall, the new Pride and Prejudice was a beautiful movie. Anyway, on to do the day-to-day things, like drink coffee, etc.