Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The end is NEAR....

The end of the semester is near. I'm very relieved. This has been a very stressful week. At this point in time, I only have to proofread my very terrible paper for my Rawls course, and grade five papers. Then I'll be finished for the semester. I worked pretty hard this semester, and I think I will be rewarded with better grades, which is what I was going for. Everyone keeps saying grades don't matter, but those people are the ones making the really good grades. I think they matter in that they give you more confidence and thus make you more likely to participate more in class discussion. I also think they have an effect on faculty perceptions of your abilities. Thus, better grades makes me feel a lot better. Anyway, this is a very boring post, so I'm going to shut up. OH, something kinda depressing before I shut up: I took a quiz that both Michael and my friend Crystal also took, that asked, "What Age do you Act?" Michael and Crystal were both told they acted their exact and respective ages. I was told I acted 29 years old. TWENTY-NINE. That's six years older than I am, or I guess, closer to five and a half. Ye gads. Anyway, I don't know why it depresses me that it told me what I already know: I'm pretty much a stick in the mud, the librarian-like moralizing creature amongst my peers. Oh well.

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