Monday, January 16, 2006


Like the pics?? They're pictures of what is going to be the NEW ME! Or rather, the body is going to be the new me, I hope (minus the really long legs...I just can't accomplish THAT). In like...two months. As part of my New Year's Resolution, and the desperate wish to look awesome for my wedding photos, I am going to eat a little less (not anything different though), and work out regularly. I did so well over the summer with the whole working out thing, but I really fell off the wagon during the fall semester. By the way, in case anyone is wondering, the actress in both pictures is Erica Durance, who plays Lois Lane on Smallville. She ROCKS. I would classify her figure as attainable, because she doesn't have six pack abs, and her arms are toned, but not sculpted. She's in shape, but not so built up or anything that it's ridiculous. If you saw her on the show, you'd understand what I mean. As you can see, the show thinks her body is a draw, because they keep creating situations for her to be unclothed. Pretty funny. Anyway, here's hoping I'll actually stick to my resolution.

I had a very nice and long break from school, and spent a lot of time with family and friends in Texas. I received some very nice gifts, and I hope those who received gifts from Michael and me enjoyed them. Much of the break in Texas was spent scurrying around taking care of wedding stuff. That involved lots of little meetings and phone calls. However, everything went off more or less without a hitch, which is somewhat surprising. I expect something to go wrong any time now. Because I know something has to go wrong with the whole wedding planning process....statistically speaking. The invitations are addressed and stamped, and now I just have to send my mom some maps to print out as inserts. I also need to contact hotels in Huntsville to see if they will give discounts if we reserve a block of rooms. I took one of my attendants bridesmaid shopping, and that was quite an experience. If you haven't looked at Pseudopunk's page, then you should, so you'll understand what I was dealing with. She's a wild and crazy girl, and was freaking HILARIOUS while trying on the many dresses we picked out (try to imagine her twirling around like a drunken ballerina with the clerk looking at her askance, or leaning over, gathering her skirt up to her knees and fanning it wildly, saying, "Yeah, we should take these hems up...we do NOT want swamp crotch."). Unfortunately, Crystal was not able to make it to that shopping expedition. We really did have a good time, and Michael came along so he could see Jennifer (Pseudopunk). I think I have prattled on enough for today, so I'm going to shut up.

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