Sunday, January 22, 2006

Progress Report

I have been busy. Between school and all the wedding stuff, time just speeds by. On the wedding front, I have been making tons of calls and securing more stuff. I'll be glad when the wedding is over, because it really is a lot of work. Even so, it really will be beautiful. I get a little overwhelmed just thinking about it, because I don't like big events in my honor. Also, there's just something strange about even thinking "I'll be married." It doesn't seem like much is going to change. Michael and I have been living together for about two years now, and we've settled into our little routines, and division of household labor, etc.. The only things that I can think of that will be different are my name, and our finances. Maybe those changes are bigger than I realize. Maybe there are further changes I don't even know about. Either way, it's going to happen, and happen soon. Very soon. March 11th soon. Well I'm going to shut up about the wedding, because I worry that it is all I talk about anymore, and has to be freaking BORING to hear about.

Okay... on to school. I am doing pretty well, keeping up with my readings, etc., but I worry that I'll fall behind. After all, I always do really well at the very beginning, but begin to slack off a few weeks into the semester. That just can't happen anymore. I have to do things like form committees of people for my master's exam at the end of summer, and all this other stuff. I have to pass a French translating exam at the end of the semester after going to only half of the available classes for that course. Even with all the stress involved, I can still say there's really nothing I'd rather be doing at this point in my life, and that's what keeps me going.

So, I have a physique like the actress I posted about the last time? Of course not. I just started my new round of exercise, SILLY. I'd like to think I'm getting better, but that's probably just wishful thinking. I've been exercising, but not as regularly as I'd like. I think I'll be spurred on even more once I start getting fitted for my gown, which begins this Tuesday. Once I see how I look at present in my gown, and think about pictures of myself looking like that, then maybe I'll be less lazy. Who knows. Anyway, this is long enough, and I'm tired of typing. Till next time.

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