Monday, May 08, 2006

Pictures galore!

I have made some new albums on the site I use to host my pictures, so you can can click on the title of this entry to go to that site and see them. I have albums posted for Halloween 2005 (very late, I know, but I've been busy), my wedding, and my honeymoon. Since the honeymoon is most recent, and there are now some pics up for it, I will say a little about how that went.

Michael and I honeymooned at T.H. Stone Memorial St. Joseph Peninsula State Park. We reserved a campsite, and camped there for four nights. It was a beautiful park, and we had a great time. The beach was a short walk away, and there were several trails on which we hiked with our dog, Goose.

We went to the beach every day, at least twice. During the hottest part of the day, we would get in the car with Goose in the air conditioning and drive around to some of the local shops to pick up ice for our cooler and to get any other items we needed. Goose wasn't allowed on the beach, so it was good that he was able to stay cool during those hot and shadeless hours of the day. Michael and I spent a lot of time exploring the park, reading books, and playing games. Our campsite was electric, so we took my laptop and watched DVDs at night. It was very relaxing, and a complete pleasure-trip. It was nice to have a trip where we weren't obligated to do anything or visit family members (not that those aren't nice, but....this was nicer).

We have never been so close to so many different types of wildlife. Michael was swimming and dolphins swam within yards of him (I, of course, never got in water past my ankles, because I have an irrational fear of being attacked by sharks). There were crabs of differing sizes everywhere along the beach. We saw deer at least three different times. Once, we were on a trail with Goose and spotted one, and it didn't even run away. It just stood there, not fifty feet from us and we watched as it calmly walked away, about three minutes after we stared at each other. Another time, Michael and I were walking along the beach, and five or so deer came down from the dunes and walked near the water. Beach Deer! Crazy. I guess they like looking out at the water too. We also saw a grass snake, and some very cute and fat rats. The most comical event involved a raccoon. Michael was getting something out of a cooler we used as a pantry one night, and he walked to my car and opened the trunk to get something else out, and when he looked back, a raccoon was inside the cooler, and it grabbed our bag of marshmallows and took off. Michael threw my car keys at it to get it to drop the bag, and he retrieved the marshmallows. It was pretty funny: a raccoon with a sweet tooth.

Well, I've droned on long enough, but as you can see, the trip was great, and we had a wonderful time.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

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