Friday, May 26, 2006

Piercings, Tattoos, and My Mobi

Example #86 of how my mom is cooler, more laid-back, and generally more hip than I am: she recently got an eyebrow ring. I can't remember if I've blogged about this before (and don't care to look at my archives), but for those who don't know, my mom, Tracy, has three tattoos (to which she is always thinking of adding), and now, an eyebrow ring. I have no tattoos, and my piercings are confined to the ears. It IS strange, but has always been the case that my mom is more daring and...less reserved than I am. All of my friends adore my mom. They say she really is the coolest mom they know, and I have to admit that it is true. As a teenager, I rarely took advantage of this situation, probably to my father's great relief (though even he would have liked to have seen me date more...they were kinda worried about me for a while). In truth, I am much more like my dad. I will say that I fully supported and even suggested my mom's eyebrow piercing. She was thinking about getting a piercing done, but she wasn't sure where (her ear or somewhere different), and I suggested her eyebrow. Michael and I have a friend named Kara who had an eyebrow ring, and it had to be one of the coolest things I had ever seen. She wore it well. If I ever got a piercing anywhere other than my ear, it would be an eyebrow piercing.

All this reflection on how much my behavior contrasts with my mother's HAS had a nifty effect: I have finally figured out exactly what tattoo I would get, were I ever to get one. Any time I thought of getting a tattoo, one major reason I knew I shouldn't get one was that I didn't know what I would get. I had one thing recur to me over and over, and I couldn't figure out why that one symbol was always so attractive: a very simple, tiny anchor. You may ask, "Why an anchor?" It's not like I am a sailor, or in the navy, or that I hang around the sea or docks all the time. I don't even know how to sail. But I like the idea of a tiny little anchor (though I still don't know where I would get it), and I think I've figured out why. I like the idea of an anchor because I'M SUCH A DRAG! I'm steady, I stay in place, and I tend to valiantly try to tether other people around me in place as well. I'm resistant (though not completely) to being swayed. Thus, a tiny little anchor is an entirely appropriate tattoo for me.

Even so, I have not resolved to get a tattoo, but it is nice to know exactly what I would get. A new toy I DO have is a Mobiblu Cube MP3 player. I call it my Mobi. I LOVE it. I've wanted one for a long time now, and finally caved into my desire. It holds 1G and is so tiny and cute! I listen to it as I walk around campus to my classes and it feels like I have a soundtrack to my life. I think that was in some commercial for an mp3 player....anyway, it is like that, sometimes, and I'm really enjoying the experience.


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