Tuesday, October 24, 2006


Well, I didn't update this when it happened, but the day after my last post, my fish died. I decided to make another post, because I am always troubled when my most recent posts are depressing. In any case, Phineas is dead and I do not have any plans as of yet to replace him.

I've been bad about wasting time lately (look at what I'm doing now, when I should be translating German, ick). I recently purchased the Sims 2 Pets expansion pack, and have been playing and playing. It is ridiculous. I have also been re-reading Jane Eyre. It is SUCH a good book. Every time I read it I cannot believe how good it is. It has been on my mind a lot lately, because the BBC did a four part miniseries of it recently, starring Toby Stephens as Mr. Rochester, and an unknown (I think her names is Ruth Wilson) as Jane Eyre. It was VERY good. I rewatched it with Tina this weekend, and we ate copious amounts of sweets and drank way too much tea. It was awesome.

Speaking of entertainment, do not waste your time seeing Marie Antoinette. I went to see it this last Friday with some of the women from the philosophy department, and we all deemed it a disappointment.

I am getting better. I finally went to the doctor about my lingering cough, and it is definitely clearing up with the medications I am taking. Hopefully I didn't damage my recovery this morning by going out with my hair wet (it was a bit cold), but I really hate it when I can't get a parking space in my little gravel lot that I have discovered. Well, I've rambled on enough for now, I really must get back to work.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

If you think that you're wasting a lot of time now just wait until the Wii gets here!