Friday, November 03, 2006

Charlotte Bronte

I can't figure out how to do the 'e' so that her name is spelled correctly. In any case, I adore Charlotte Bronte. I think I could be happy reading and re-reading her books all my life. If I had to go live on a desert island and could only bring one book, I would bring either Jane Eyre or Villette. I adore Jane Austen as well, but there is a strange quality about Charlotte Bronte's writing that makes it more passionate and internal, more .... exciting somehow. You feel like you really are in the head of the person, especially in Villete. I was recently moved to re-read Jane Eyre (I think it was my third or fourth time) and I found myself just.... joyous to read it. Have you ever loved any book so much that you felt compelled to read it often, and when you did you reacted to everything occurring? If not, you have truly missed out on a singular, perplexing, and intriguing experience. If I have a soul, it positively SINGS when I read Jane Eyre and Villete. I realize this probably sounds incredibly nerdy and dorky and maybe even disturbing, but some of you will know what I mean. If you do know what I mean, and feel like commenting, what books have done that for you? It would be interesting to see what sorts of books have such an effect on other people.


Anonymous said...

I bought Jane Eyre, the book, after we watched the movie, and am in the middle of reading it. It's quite delicious!

Rachel said...

That's wonderful!! Some people didn't really like the adaptation, because of the rather passionate scene between Rochester and Jane on the bed (they freaked out...Jane would never have done that), but even they were happy that the adaptation would inspire people to read the book. Though I agree that Jane would never have done that, given the circumstances....that has to be one of the HOTTEST scenes I've ever watched. And they were fully clothed!

Anonymous said...

Nerdy? Check.
Dorky? Check.
Disturbing? Check.

I hope you realize that your discussion here is the epitome of 'Girls on Literature.'

Perhaps you should read a few of the Mack Bolen 'Executioner' series, or some Chilton car manuals. Hell, you could even read the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Rachel said...

I've already read the Lord of the Rings trilogy, Peter. SO there. I've also read most of The Simalrillon too. I loved those almost as much as Charlotte Bronte. I read a lot of books, but some just don't affect me in the same way that Bronte does. I hope your silly male-ish pride thing is keeping you from admitting that there are some books that do that for you (I sincerely doubt Chilton car manuals do what I described for you).

Anonymous said...

Look, it sounds as if you are not able to reach the level of literary experience that I am. That is OK.

Might I suggest the following: Chevrolet Chevette 1000, 1976-88. If that doesn't do it for you, I don't know what will.