Friday, March 16, 2007

Anniversary, Cake, and Exercise

This past weekend, Michael and I celebrated our first wedding anniversary (March 11). We were pretty tired, because it was the day after we drove back from Texas (we visited my family over spring break). We enjoyed a piece or two of the top tier (actually a tier baked separately just for this purpose) of our wedding cake. We were warned by a few couples to expect it to be dry and fairly tasteless, but it actually stood the test of time rather well. It wasn't the best cake I've ever had, but it certainly wasn't the worst.
Speaking of cake, I baked a cake for my dad over spring break that was marvelous! It is a family recipe that comes from my mother's side, and is my dad's absolute favorite. I had never tasted it before, because I was even pickier as a child than I am now. The cake has pecans in it and as I child I didn't like such things. I was very surprised at how scrumptious the cake was, and cursed my childish tastebuds for letting me miss out on this cake, which was baked every Christmas, up until my parents divorced.
Enough about cake. I am on yet another health kick, and trying to do the 10-week running program that I found in the online version of Runners World Magazine again (I think I went into detail about it in a previous post). I am still on Week 1 because I didn't run at all over spring break (I started it the week before). Hopefully this time I won't get discouraged, because I always feel really good after the workout, and I think I can already tell a difference in how I feel generally. Once I have the running stuff under control, I'll add weights into my routine, and then I'll start seeing major differences. THEN once I am in some sort of shape that is better than my average (which is probably classified as "severely out of shape") I will try to take up tennis in a more serious manner. It will be interesting to see how my strategy works out. By May 14, I should be able to run for 20 minutes without stopping, and if I am good and start the weights next week, I should start seeing results in my muscles as well. Only time will tell.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Happy anniversary!