Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Random Silly Thoughts

1. I've been going to the gym a lot lately, and have become used to seeing the hardcore gym rats. I have named two of the freakishly fit ones. One is heavily muscled in a bulgey, bulky way, and thus is named Mr. Bulky. The other one is heavily muscled in a lean way, and has muscles on top of muscles, almost all of which you can see because he has so little body fat. I call him Mr. Sinew. More on characters from the gym later.

2. If my current life were a movie, I would want my character song to be Santana's "Black Magic Woman." I'm pretty sure that isn't the song a director would pick, though. I'll have to think about what song would actually be played (which song would actually fit my personality, etc.). Feel free to make your own suggestions about which songs you think would fit my personality, or even better, what you would want your character songs to be, and what songs would actually be played.

3. Halloween parties are surprisingly thin on the ground this year. I have only heard rumblings of one in the philosophy department, and the host of that one cannot do it until the weekend after this one (meaning that the party would actually be held in November, *SIGH*). I feel like that is a sign that I'm getting too old for Halloween, and that is sad. Michael and I already have costumes and everything. Bleh.

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