Monday, May 23, 2005

Rum is still not my friend

I once had a bad experience with rum. Really bad. Ever since that experience, I have not been able to enjoy drinks with rum in them. It is POSSIBLE for me to drink them, but it is not pleasurable in the least. After the third or fourth sip, I start to shudder. I am amazed at the strength of my learned aversion to rum. It only took one bad time to effectively ruin my experience of that particular beverage. Even though I know how the aversion works, I am still amazed. I thought perhaps it was only the particular mixed drink that I had when the bad experience occurred (rum and coke), but no, it's the rum. I wanted a pina colada tonight, and Michael was gracious enough to go out and get the stuff, and come back and make it. I had a few sips of it, and realized that I wouldn't be able to drink the stupid thing. My stomach was saying, "OH no. Not that stuff again. Not going to happen." Ugh. Which probably means that vodka is ruined for me as well. Double ugh.


Anonymous said...

I'm confused. You say that you can't drink rum at all - but when a pina colada is mixed properly, you are UNABLE to taste any rum specific flavors. So clearly something went wrong.

But perhaps more importantly, I don't see how vodka could possibly be out of your realm of possibility at this point. In fact, I could prove that there has never been a problem with you drinking vodka. What is more, I can provide pictures detailing your sobriety during the April evening to which you are vaguely referring.

Oh, and like OJ too.


Rachel said...

As far as not being able to taste the rum in a pina colada, I will admit to your statement being partially true: at first, I can't taste the rum. But in my admittedly limited experience of mixed drinks, the more I drink, the more I am able to taste the alcohol. It is what usually stops me from overconsuming, because it begins to just taste BAD. As far as my drinking vodka, I have not tried it since that particular night in April, and if I can't drink it, it is BECAUSE of the status of my sobriety that night. But, on the bright side, it appears that slow reexposure to these alcohols helps remove the aversion, because last night I was able to finish my pina colada. Whoo hoo!

Anonymous said...

I was able to taste the rum in that Pina Colada!!

Interestingly, I have not yet acquired any aversion to any drinks, despite the fact that I have gotten sick on both wine and (egads) jello shots. The only liquor I shudder at is Tequila - which, I think is due to the fact that it tastes like rat piss, rather than because I associate any bad experiences with it (vomiting or otherwise).

Rachel said...

Tina, I'm wondering if Michael mixed them too strong? Maybe Peter is right, and there was a little too much rum in it. The only other time that I began to shudder after my bad experience with rum was when I had a rum and coke at Poor Paul's....and sometimes they mix drinks a little strong for my taste (yeah yeah I'm a wuss). I made the pina coladas last night, and I followed the directions on the mix bottle, because I've never made any before. Michael claimed he followed the directions as well, but he has been known to get a little heavy-handed with the alcohol-to-mix ratio.