Friday, July 01, 2005

Yay for a wider road!

Whoo HOO! I can get to school so easily now it's just silly. My road is OPEN again. It's amazing. I had to go in to school today for my Greek reading group, and it was so easy. I didn't have to go through any bad traffic or anything! I'm always surprised at how excited I get over silly things like an easier, traffic-free path to and from school.
After finishing my Greek reading group, I always feel the need to do more in my Greek education. I can barely translate one sentence in an hour. However, I am getting a little better at it. If I really worked on it, I bet I could start actually contributing to the group. I found a few books on Amazon that concentrate on philosophical Greek, which is what I need. When I have an income again, I plan to pick some of these books up. Michael and I are making plans for the 4th of July, involving a trip to Tom Brown Park for the fireworks show. That reminds me...I need to call up a friend or two to invite them. Anyway, I'd better stop my rambling.

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