Saturday, June 03, 2006

Just in case.....

I've decided to trick myself into getting into better shape. I have found that I have lost motivation to exercise, since I don't really have any event or reason to look all that good. I mean, I would LIKE to look good for myself, but I find that apparently that's not enough to keep me from digging into my wonderful ice-cream, snacking on chips, and reaching for an extra slice of pizza. Michael could care less if I gained tons of weight (isn't he AWESOME?!), and the problem is that I already think I look decent enough. But I know that can change pretty fast, because I've been gaining a slight bit of weight, and already my confidence is beginning to wane. Thus, I need to motivate myself. It doesn't work to say, "I want to look good for swimsuit season." So, I think I'm going to trick myself into thinking that I am preparing to become a special agent with the FBI. Lately, I've been looking into other careers, because as many of you all know, getting a degree in philosophy (even advanced) does not guarantee a job upon graduation. Luckily enough for me, philosophy is broad enough that I can get a lot of other jobs. Out of curiousity (sp?) I have been looking into jobs in the CIA and FBI, etc.. For the FBI, I think one of the better jobs would be special agent. Unfortunately, but justifiably, such a job requires a certain degree of physical fitness that I do not possess. So, just in case I ever decide to be a special agent with the FBI, I should get into shape! I'll let you all know how this works, or, ideally, many will SEE how this works. We'll see.....we'll see.

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