Sunday, June 04, 2006

Bummed out....

So, for all those who think I'm a really good friend, etc., there is some evidence that I may not be as great as you think I am. There was a guy in high school that was my best friend, and he and I were really close. We fell out of touch about....four or five years ago. I have tried to call this friend several times over the years, using numbers given to me by other people who are somehow able to keep up with him, but my calls were never returned. Most recently, I called a number that was known to be his to try and invite him to my wedding. I used to think that maybe he wasn't getting the calls, and maybe his messaging service was screwed up (like my cell phone message service). This illusion was shattered when another friend found him on MySpace, and I tried to message him.

I messaged him twice. Once just a friendly, "Hey, how are you?" sort of message, that was sure to let him know that I wanted to get back in touch with him. He did not answer. After a few days, I looked at his profile again, and it said that he had logged on since I had sent my message (MySpace has that feature). So he should have received my message, and thus he was simply ignoring me. I then sent another message, letting him know that I could see he didn't want to talk to me, and that I would leave him alone, but imploring him to just let me know what I did to fall out of his good graces. Because I honestly have no idea what I did, other than allow myself to fall out of touch with him (and that wouldn't be fair to blame me completely for that, he didn't try very hard either). I made it clear to him that I wouldn't try to contact him anymore if he would just tell me what I did to piss him off. This message was also met with silence. So, I don't know what I did. I don't know why we aren't talking, and it really bothers me. It's like I feel guilty, but I don't even know why. Since this guy was very sweet in high school, and we were really close, I just assume that he probably has a good reason to be pissed at me, and I cannot for the life of me figure out what I did. So I guess I'll just try to push it out of my mind, and hope that one day he'll get around to telling me what the hell is going on.


Anonymous said...

Don't be bummed Rachel! Maybe he was secretly in love with you and can't bear to see you with another man.

Rachel said...

I'm pretty sure that's not what is going on. We were pretty clear that we loved each other as siblings. That's why it really sucks: he was like the brother I never had. But thanks for trying to cheer me up!

Anonymous said...

This site is one of the best I have ever seen, wish I had one like this.

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.