Thursday, October 05, 2006


So. I have a sinus/allergy thing going on now. Yeah. Maybe I'm dying. Maybe I'm weak, and I'm being selected against. I don't know. All I know is that I'm really, really bored with the whole coughing and altered voice thing. I still don't want to go to a doctor, because....I just don't. I'm stubborn, and only use doctors for special occasions. Month-long colds don't count....yet.

Michael and I recently purchased some Halloween candy (we buy it twice in the month of October, once at the beginning of the month, and then again toward the middle), and we are enjoying it very much. I'm excited about carving a pumpkin, but I need to think of what I shall carve.....I want to do something complex and cool. It is one of the few artistic things that I still do (but only once a year). I never can bring myself to sketch anymore, or even to make my silly comic strips. I haven't sketched in....years. Slightly depressing, that fact.

I also still want to play guitar. I wonder if I would be any good at it? Maybe I'm not cool enough to play electric guitar. Maybe playing electric guitar would make me cool enough to play electric guitar? Maybe I'll join my neighbor's air guitar band in the meantime.

I guess I just feel....well, apathetic. About everything. I think I need vitamins. Or sleep. Or healthier food. Or exercise. I need something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Maybe you need a hug! *hug* I have some information for you when you get the chance. It may cheer you up and will definitely give you something to do!