Monday, October 30, 2006

Everything is dying.

First my fish. Now my car. My car is dying. The people at Midas said those words that every car-owner fears: transmission. And not just "transmission fluid." Rather, "the problem seems to be something in the transmission, and we will need to take it out to figure out exactly what it is." All I know from my very limited experience is that whenever you hear the word transmission, it means this: $$$$ + Completely dead car one year later. I did not authorize the operation for my car. Michael and I are fast coming to the conclusion that it would cost more to fix it than the car is actually now we are keeping our eyes open for deals on used cars and we have decided to limit the use of my car. I think I'm just going to start walking. Yeah. Walking five miles to school everyday. Unlike a car, which wears down with much exercise, my body will actually get better with exercise. So, yeah. That's what I should do. Bleh. No, I'm not serious. I'm just going to hitch a ride with Michael for a while.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We should have asked them how much it would be to cut a hole in your floor so that you could run your car like they did on the Flintstones. Yabba dabba do!