Monday, June 27, 2005

Exercise and road construction

I fell off the wagon. My exercise wagon. I really didn't mean to, it just sort of happened. First, the week in Texas threw me way off...and then when we got back, all the stuff with the movers and everything gave me lots of excuses to put it off. I am happy to say that I have started again today, and that I think I'll get my exercise groove back. This is the first time since I've been back from Texas that I enjoyed my exercise routine again. Every other time I tried it was just annoying and boring. I think it helps that I made a new music playlist on Windows Media Player that has nothing but faster-paced tunes that I really like. I can pipe it in through the sound system, and it really keeps me going.
I haven't griped about it on here yet, but we've had some major road construction going on near our house since February. Due to the most recent detours from this road construction, we have had to take the long way to get to a lot of businesses and even to school for the last month. It sucks. Even with the main detour began in February, it was still kinda sucky, because we had to give our friends directions on how to navigate through these little neighborhoods to make it to our house. The road is looking close to done now, as they have started painting the lines on, and I know that part of the detour will be lifted at the end of June in a few days. I am hoping that they will be done with the entire thing at the end of June, because that would be AWESOME. A straight shot to everything would be so nice.

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

The house is CONQUERED

Movers. UGH. Don't talk to me about movers. I'm sure not all movers are as bad as the ones we had to deal with, but STILL. Anyway, the house is almost finished. I have reorganized closets and cabinets and somehow found a place for most of the stuff. The house is really shaping up now. This victory did come with some costs: I have lots of scratches and bruises, my foot is hurt, my arms are covered in mosquito bites, and for the past three mornings, I have awoken feeling like a truck both hit and rolled over on me. Hopefully my life will get back to normal.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Movers. UGH.

So, remember those movers that were supposed to bring furniture to my house? They never came. They finally called last night and said they were coming today. Hmph. Oh well, at least they haven't absconded with all the stuff and called us to ransom it back. I am once again pulling around the existing furniture and stuff to make room for the new stuff.

On a brighter note, I have taken up knitting! Michael took me to Michaels (ha!) the other day while we were running errands around town, because he's sweet and realized I was suffering from a little cabin-fever (it's my own fault, I'm just too lazy to go anywhere). We wandered into the yarn section and I thought it would be fun to learn to knit. I decided to see if I could learn for free by a) looking online to see what sorts of internet sources there were for knitting instruction, and b) going to the public library and picking up books on knitting. So, I have a pair of knitting needles and a ball of yarn, and I've been practicing away. It really can be relaxing, but since I'm a novice and move the needles awkwardly right now, my hands cramp up after a little while. We'll see how this progresses.

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

New blog and stuff

My wedding blog is up and running, and you can find a link to it under my topic blog sidebar. It's not much right now, but I hope to do things with it like post lots of information concerning my wedding for interested parties. On a funny note, my mom's favorite pasttime is, apparently, getting tattoos with her friends. Not long after I left Texas, my mom began to seek out things to do on the weekends. She and a few of her friends would go out and get either a tattoo, piercing, or both. Since this tattoo parlor apparently has a lot of business, these outings last into the wee hours of the morning, so after being tattooed, pierced, or both, my mom and her friends go to IHOP for coffee and to revel in their new body art. My mom has three tattoos (to date), and last weekend she added to one of them. She has a wonderful time during this strange tattooing ritual, and I am glad that she has so much fun. I can only hope that one day I'll be as cool and laid-back as my mom (but I seriously doubt it will happen).

Thursday, June 09, 2005


If you click on the link that is the title to this blog entry, then you can see pictures I have arranged into some albums on a picture hosting site called My Photo Album or something like it. If you like what you see, it's free and easy to use. For those of you interested, the pictures from Crystal's bachelorette party are posted on that site, and I'm going to try and organize all my photos into albums on that site this summer.

Tuesday, June 07, 2005


Today is my birthday. I am twenty-three. As usual, I don't feel any older or any different. I had cake and a few presents with my family and friends on Sunday, June 5, the day before we left Texas. I think I'll get another cake today, because I really REALLY like cake. There's lots to do here in Tallahassee now that we're back. I need to retrieve my fish from a friend's house, as well as organize the furniture and stuff that will be arriving any minute. Goose (my dog) is scheduled to have a teeth cleaning and checkup at the vet's tomorrow, and I'd really like to get my wedding blog page up and running soon, as the planning will really begin now that I have a wedding/reception site reserved. I also need to post pictures of Crystal's bachelorette party and the few I took of the rehearsal dinner and wedding. So much to do and so little inclination to start. Michael and I also need to go grocery shopping, and THAT is something I really want to do. Food is always fun. OH geez...I almost forgot. I need to do a lot of stuff to establish Florida residency. Ugh. Well, enough of this riveting information. I'm off to do some of these things.

Monday, June 06, 2005

Home again!

I am back home! I'm pretty happy to be back, and to find the house is still here and everything is basically the same. It will be a busy week though, because movers will be here tomorrow to unload lots of furniture and boxes into our house. Michael's parents are selling the lakehouse in Texas, and have sent much of the stuff our way. I have to make some room somehow for all of this stuff. Oh well. The drive back was okay, but it rained for most of the trip so that was terrible. As soon as we drove into Tallahassee, the skies opened up for a torrential downpour that hasn't stopped yet. We haven't unloaded the car, and the electricity was out for a little while. I am still glad to be back. The wedding was beautiful, and I'll elaborate more on it when I have a bit more time. For now I'm off to put some pizza in the oven and watch some DVDs.