Friday, June 17, 2005

Movers. UGH.

So, remember those movers that were supposed to bring furniture to my house? They never came. They finally called last night and said they were coming today. Hmph. Oh well, at least they haven't absconded with all the stuff and called us to ransom it back. I am once again pulling around the existing furniture and stuff to make room for the new stuff.

On a brighter note, I have taken up knitting! Michael took me to Michaels (ha!) the other day while we were running errands around town, because he's sweet and realized I was suffering from a little cabin-fever (it's my own fault, I'm just too lazy to go anywhere). We wandered into the yarn section and I thought it would be fun to learn to knit. I decided to see if I could learn for free by a) looking online to see what sorts of internet sources there were for knitting instruction, and b) going to the public library and picking up books on knitting. So, I have a pair of knitting needles and a ball of yarn, and I've been practicing away. It really can be relaxing, but since I'm a novice and move the needles awkwardly right now, my hands cramp up after a little while. We'll see how this progresses.

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